

  1. A Brief History of Markup

    1. From IETF To W3C: The Road To HTML 4
    2. XHTML 1: HTML As XML
    3. XHTML 2: Oh, We’re Not Gonna Take It!
    4. The Schism: WHATWG TF?
    5. From Web Apps 1.0 To HTML5
    6. Reunification
    7. XHTML Is Dead: Long Live XHTML Syntax
    8. The Timeline Of HTML5
  2. The Design Of HTML5

    1. Design Principles
    2. Keeping It Real
    3. Error Handling
    4. Give It To Me Straight, DOCTYPE
    5. Keeping It Simple
    6. Syntax: Marking It Up Your Way
    7. We Don’t Use That Kind Of Language
      1. So long, been good to know ya
    8. Turn & Face The Strange (Ch-Ch-Changes)
      1. Out of cite
      2. The a element on steroids
    9. Shiny New Toys: JavaScript APIs
  3. Rich Media

    1. Canvas
      1. Dancing about architecture: drawing with code
      2. Canvas. Huh! What is it good for?
      3. Access denied
      4. Clever canvas
    2. Audio
      1. Out of control
      2. Buffering
      3. You play to-may-to, I play to-mah-to
      4. Falling back
      5. Access all areas
    3. Video
      1. Going native
  4. Web Forms 2.0

    1. placeholder
    2. autofocus
    3. required
    4. autocomplete
    5. datalist
    6. Input Types
      1. Searching
      2. Contact details
      3. Sliders
      4. Testing
      5. Spinners
      6. Dates and times
      7. Color pickers
      8. Rolling your own
    7. Looking To The Future
  5. Semantics

    1. Extensibility
      1. Microformats
      2. Boiling the ocean
    2. New Elements
      1. mark
      2. time
      3. meter
      4. progress
    3. Structure
      1. section
      2. header
      3. footer
      4. aside
      5. nav
      6. article
      7. A cure for div-itis?
    4. Content Models
      1. Sectioning content
      2. The outline algorithm
      3. hgroup
      4. Sectioning roots
      5. Portability
      6. Scoped styles
  6. Using HTML5 Today

    1. Styling
      1. Headings
    2. ARIA
    3. Validation
    4. Feature Detection
    5. Choose Your Strategy
      1. Resources
    6. Get Involved
    7. The Future